German innovation from Bosch — B26FT70SNS refrigerator

If you go to any store technology, you will see a huge selection of refrigerators. All of them are similar and at the same time, each has something special. Try to understand this particular on the example of a new model of Bosch B26FT70SNS.
Vita Fresh
Bosch takes care to maintain a proper balance of temperature and humidity for storing your products. Unlike many others, these refrigerators maintain optimal conditions, and you do not have to rack their brains to figure out how to configure desired mode. Is responsible for this VitaFresh technology, you have to simply place the fruit, vegetables, meat or fish in a special unit with this function. And yet, you are provided with fresh ingredients for a very long time.
Multi-level LED backlight
Every detail, every drawer, every shelf, door and all the products are brightly lit with LED lights. So you will easily find you are interested in the product or determine that it is necessary to purchase.
Ice maker and water filter
With the help of these devices you will be able to drink clean water, or to quickly get just crushed ice. A bright LED lights will make the process even easier and more enjoyable. But do not forget that these devices are most at risk. So often they become the reason to make repairs Bosch refrigerators.
Multi-Flow Shower Cooling System
With this system, the air flow enters into a special vent that allows air to penetrate the top and around the boxes. This keeps the temperature constant, the ideal level for the contents of the refrigerator. And keeps your foods well chilled, and even more useful.
Special compartment for bottles
Milk and other uncomfortable box and bottles of beverages will now be able to stay in a special compartment on the refrigerator door, and on the shelves do not have to make room for their accommodation.
All this meets the modern requirements of consumers. Therefore, all these functions will be very useful for any family. A German quality and ease of use will save the owners from having to carry out repair of refrigerators Bosch on a very, very long time.