Embedded refrigerator Side by Side Liebherr ECN 6156

Now more and more people seek to make maximum use of the space, so the built in home appliances has become increasingly popular.
Of course, when it comes to the kitchen, the central place it occupies in the refrigerator. Liebherr offers his solution to the space problem and presents a new model of embedded refrigerator ECN 6156.
This model meets all modern trends and customer requirements. A large amount will place a huge amount of products. A modern assembly technology will make even bulky multifunction technique virtually invisible.
Useful features:
It can be noted from the following useful features:
- Special Branch Bio Fresh. It is supported by a special zero temperatures and high humidity levels. This will not only save long vegetables, fruit, herbs or fish, but also to keep a maximum of minerals.
- Another useful feature is certainly — No Frost. The need to defrost the refrigerator manually, wasting a lot of time and effort now will not.
- Superohlozhdenie (Super Cool) allow quality to freeze large amount of food at temperatures up to -38 degrees. This method of freezing will help preserve nearly original appearance and taste of the product.
- A similar effect occurs when you activate Super Freeze. The temperature is lowered to 4 degrees, but the products do not change their temperature and humidity.
What is worth remembering before you buy a refrigerator?
Any technique is not without drawbacks, so you should pay attention to the following:
- If suddenly, for whatever reason, you need to repair refrigerators Liebherr, then to some of the parts and components built-in appliances will be much harder to get than to similar parts detached devices.
- A repair of refrigerators Liebherr can be useful in cases of improper use, or in cases of failures in the complex of automated technologies. In this case, you must simply call knowing wizard, which will help determine the cause and correct the problem.
As for the rest, Liebherr ECN 6156 will be very useful to any owner, and especially large families, who know a lot about nutrition and efficient use of space.