Sharp SJF800SPBK — more than just a refrigerator

If there was a contest for the most functional refrigerator, then this Sharp model would be a good chance to take one of the first places. Because it is difficult to find a fridge that would be able to perform the same amount of useful actions as this.
Useful space
First, the four-door double chamber unit is very spacious (653 liters). Inside a lot of different shelves, including a special section for bottles, crates for fruits and vegetables, and numerous «pockets» on the door.
That is, you can now place a huge amount of food, and they will all be in place.
And now you can put in the refrigerator, even the largest meal (up to 70 cm.), And even the highest box or bottle (some shelves on height adjustable).
Traditional technology
Secondly, SJF800SPBK have all the necessary functions in modern life:
- This is a special branch of freshness in which many products (meat, fish, cheese, herbs) persist longer and retain their appearance.
- Another technology that has virtually all modern refrigerators — No Frost system. The owners of this refrigerator will be spared from the manual defrost procedure.
- In addition, the function of fast freezing and rapid cooling will help to keep all of the most useful in frozen foods.
- Finally, on the energy efficiency class A will save your family budget.
Unique technology
As for the rest, perhaps, only a unique and super-comfortable.
- Now Sharp produces refrigerators with a special technique for cleaning and air ionization (Plasmacluster Ion Technology).
- Hybrid cooling system virtually eliminates zavetrivanie or drying.
- The generator will allow ice to cool any drinks quickly. This is especially useful during the hot summer days.
- LED lighting, thanks to which the owner will see at once that looking for.
- Complementing this «miracle» LCD display that makes operation even easier and more affordable.
- In addition, the refrigerator is made from high-strength stainless steel, which means the repair of refrigerators Sharp due to mechanical damage is practically reduced to zero.
Who can become the owner of a typical Sharp SJF800SPBK?
Most of the modern family, which only «smart» appliances needed, capable to take care not only about the simple preservation of the products, but also on the implementation of a variety of other tasks.
However, in spite of the usefulness of this model, we should not forget that the complex and unique technology may entail complicated and costly repairs Sharp refrigerators. In order to avoid that all the operating procedures must be followed to protect and favorite technique.